Welcome to the MF6’s Galleries
When Tyson originally entertained the concept of hosting a website, one of the main main reasons was to have a ‘Gallery’. A place to post pictures of his completed works all in one place. The MF6’s Galleries will showcase images from many of our Writers and Contributors*, and will be updated occasionally. So be sure to check often.
*But the other contributors galleries will probably get buried, considering that Tyson owns every single fucking model Games Workshop has ever made, and some they haven’t yet conceived…

Not sure if I should be proud, or embarrassed, but I have 2600+ models painted. And that is only 49% of my model collection…


I have been building scale models for well over 30 years. Though there was about a 15 year span in the middle in which I did little to nothing. It wasn’t until 2019 that I actually started painting seriously. COVID-19 lockdown also helped, as I had a lot of time on my hands.

Awkward semi-girly geeky gamer. Often giggling while blowing up digital people in Fallout games. Curator of a large mammal, er, husband and enabler of model obsessions. Cute, but deadly. Less likely to injure people when fed chocolate, booze, or both at the same time.

I’ve been painting miniatures for about 3 years now. I strive for a “battle-ready” standard, not really stressing too much on advanced painting techniques.

Images contained within these galleries are, unless specified otherwise, the property of the authors. The authors names are clearly marked next to the thumbnails on the Gallery index pages, and at the top of each individual gallery. These images are being shared here with the permission of the author. These images may not be reused for any reason, nor edited without the permission of the author.