I am a metal-head. Have been since I was old enough to crawl. I am also a major Iron Maiden fan. So when the miniature versions of Eddie were announced, I jumped. Thus this crossover series was born. Metal and Acrylic Paint.
I am a metal-head. Have been since I was old enough to crawl. I am also a major Iron Maiden fan. So when the miniature versions of Eddie were announced, I jumped. Thus this crossover series was born. Metal and Acrylic Paint.
Number of the Beast is, in my opinion, Iron Maiden’s most important album. As it introduces some of the mainstays in their library. While there is no miniature for the Eddie Project, I felt that this album needed to be featured.
I am a metal-head. Have been since I was old enough to crawl. I am also a major Iron Maiden fan. So when the miniature versions of Eddie were announced, I jumped. Thus this crossover series was born. Metal and Acrylic Paint.
I am a metal-head. Have been since I was old enough to crawl. I am also a major Iron Maiden fan. So when the miniature versions of Eddie were announced, I jumped. Thus this crossover series of Metal and Acrylic Paint was born.
After Robert’s kick-off to the Backgound Noise series, it got me thinking about what I default to when I pursue this grand hobby of ours. Sure it’s some kind of audio, but more likely than not it’s the soothing sounds of ambience. Let me tell you what sounds are coming out of my speakers…
When I hobby, there is generally some kind of metal coming out of my speakers. Recently it has been Trivium more often than not. But it isn’t just their studio albums that I am listening too.