YEAR IN (the) RE(ar)VIEW
As I sit here and look back on the past twelve months, the year feels a bit bitter-sweet. There were struggles, both in life and in my hobby, but also successes.
The Emperors chosen warriors.
As I sit here and look back on the past twelve months, the year feels a bit bitter-sweet. There were struggles, both in life and in my hobby, but also successes.
In this Table Ready we take a look at Morlocks, pretty much the best warriors of the Iron Hands Legion, that a friend kitbashed and I painted up.
Long story short, I planned to make a Raven Guard force for quite a while. Eventually, I decided not to. Then I did anyway.
Quarter three hobby update incoming: It may sound a bit overly dramatic, but I am essentially done with Warhammer 40000…
In the second Table Ready highlighting the Shield-wielding squads of my Ultramarine Beachhead Strike force, we examine the elite Praetorian Breacher squad. Have a peek inside.
In the first Table Ready highlighting the Shield-wielding squads of my Ultramarine Beachhead Strike force, we take a look at the humble Breacher Squad. Have a look inside.
On display in the Table Ready article, we have the new Indomitus Terminator models painted up for the Ultramarines. But, why blue? Why not another chapter? Take a look inside to find out why.
In my update for the First Quarter of the Year, I shared a few projects that I was planning to finish in the coming months. As I look back, I was a bit hopeful, maybe even naïve.
Need a light? Did you know my favorite song is Light My Fire by The Doors?* Uh…um…Smokin’…? I know that last one was really reaching. Sorry not sorry for the Dad level fire related jokes. They say comedy comes in threes. Ugh…just come in and take a look at the Alpha Legion Flamer Support Squad I painted.