YEAR IN (the) RE(ar)VIEW
As I sit here and look back on the past twelve months, the year feels a bit bitter-sweet. There were struggles, both in life and in my hobby, but also successes.
Books are like movies for your brain. You read the words and your brain plays moving pictures in your head. If you’ve taken the time to level up your imagination, that is.
As I sit here and look back on the past twelve months, the year feels a bit bitter-sweet. There were struggles, both in life and in my hobby, but also successes.
Back in 1997 Squaresoft released the now legendary Final Fantasy VII for the Playstation. In this epic game they did something almost completely unheard of at the time.
It’s time to ask the age-old question: Is it still a trap if you knowingly spring it? Our fifth gaming session saw our plucky band of adventurers resume their quest…
Our second pathfinder evening started off with a casual trip seated in the back of a horse-drawn paddy wagon. In cuffs…
I found myself running my first RPG game night in (too many) years, using a system I had never used (but was close enough to one I had) and having not actually planned something to do. But, everyone had fun: let’s see how it came about.
On November the 6th, 2022, the next generation of immersion gaming was introduced to the world. The hype was incredible, and thousands logged in as soon as the servers went live. But it only took a couple of hours for things to go very wrong for everyone of them.
The Daemonic Month of October seems like a perfect time to begin a series devoted to the spirits, demons, and monsters of Japanese folklore. Today we are starting with one of my favorites. Kitsune. The fox spirits.
I definitely don’t need any more model debt, but I found myself with models for a new game. Not just models, but a whole army. I blame Ryan.
I am Groot (today), I am Groot(we take a look at) I am(the) Groot(Lego) I am Groot(I am Groot)!
Today we take a look at one of the Black Library Celebration miniatures released in 2022. Say hello to Fafnir Rann.