Welcome to Motherfn6’s

How We Got Here

Motherfn6’s was born following multiple insane dice rolls, as an exclamation, during a game of Warhammer 40K. If you haven’t guessed what this exclamation was from the title, it was “MOTHER FUCKING SIXES!!”. From there it became at Facebook group for like-minded hobby enthusiasts. Then some time later it morphed/merged with a separate idea into a project. Otherverse Games & Hobbies.

Otherverse Games & Hobbies was an all-encompassing entity. It consisted of multiple social media accounts, a YouTube account, a website, etc. The namesake website, which went live in late October 2021, was a hobby blog of sorts where multiple writers gathered, introduced themselves, published their hobby-related thoughts, and showcased their works-in-progress/finished products. It proved to be a great creative outlet.

However, in June, 2023 it was decided that the Otherverse brand would be halted and moved away from. There were various reasons that led to this decision. But it was for the best in the long run.

Where We’re Going

Going forward, Motherfn6’s will be similar in terms of content. It’s all about the hobbies that we love. And the word hobby covers a very broad spectrum. But this time around things will be much more relaxed. For various reasons, Otherverse had, in hindsight, very unrealistic schedules. We are a group of people that do write for a website in addition to living our lives. You might say that they… do this as a… hobby.

About 75% of the posts from Otherverse(over 200) were imported to this website over a months time. This was at the cost of Robert‘s(the website admin*) sanity and a massive case of carpal tunnel. A case that caused him to have to ditch a regular mouse and gravitate towards the trackball life.

The work is not finished, though. This site will see design updates and whatnot in the coming days/weeks/months. Also, with a large back number of posts, you may notice errant hyperlinks within older posts that link back to the Otherverse website(which as of this posting is still live). Those will be fixed over time. You will also see Otherverse logos here and there. Particularly on showcase posts dated before August 1st, 2023. It was decided that those will remain, due to the volume of those types of posts. It would take a long time to redo each one of those. In each individual posting a note has been attached explaining what that logo was.

Anyway, that’s all for now. Please look forward to new content here and there, and…

Welcome to Motherfn6’s.

*whom is totally typing this and referring to himself in the third person