Abandonment Issues
Quarter three hobby update incoming: It may sound a bit overly dramatic, but I am essentially done with Warhammer 40000…
The Horus Heresy was a period in which a bunch of loyal subordinate good-guy Marines followed their good-guy Warmaster against the tyranny of a guy that called himself “Emperor of mankind”. This “Emperor”, currently: a rotting statue, is still to this day being held accountable for his crimes against humanity and other alien races. Contrary to popular belief, there were no outside influences involved in the Horus Heresy. As much as they would have you think otherwise.
Quarter three hobby update incoming: It may sound a bit overly dramatic, but I am essentially done with Warhammer 40000…
In the second Table Ready highlighting the Shield-wielding squads of my Ultramarine Beachhead Strike force, we examine the elite Praetorian Breacher squad. Have a peek inside.
In my update for the First Quarter of the Year, I shared a few projects that I was planning to finish in the coming months. As I look back, I was a bit hopeful, maybe even naïve.
Need a light? Did you know my favorite song is Light My Fire by The Doors?* Uh…um…Smokin’…? I know that last one was really reaching. Sorry not sorry for the Dad level fire related jokes. They say comedy comes in threes. Ugh…just come in and take a look at the Alpha Legion Flamer Support Squad I painted.
Praetors come in all shapes and sizes in the 31st Millenium. But regardless of their stature or armament, they can sometimes mean the difference between an army taking the day or suffering ignoble defeat. Follow me to learn more about the power armor Praetor I painted up to support the Hydra’s schemes.
Hailing from the Knight World of Krastellan, the members of House Hawkshroud proudly march forth to aid those who have demonstrated loyalty and honor towards them in the past. Let me take a few minutes to explain why I think House Hawkshroud is such a fantastic Knight Household.
Pop the champagne, pour out one for the lost, hang the ‘Mission Accomplished’ banner on the aircraft carrier (maybe not this one), or otherwise raise those glasses: the New Year New Army Alpha Legion project is D.O.N.E. DONE. Come take a quick look back at the project and see what the future may hold.
While similar to their Tactical Squad brethren, the Despoiler Squad do take and hold ground but with a few tweaks. These guys trade their bolters for bolt pistols and chainswords, and want to get in your face as fast as possible. Come take a look at the Alpha Legion Despoiler Squad I painted to secure the Hydra’s interests.
Progress has been the operative word over the past year concerning my Alpha Legion painting project. An even more apt description would be positive progress. Come on in and let me explain a little as to what I’m talking about.