Bloody Birds, Free Hand, and Video Games
Welcome, James! In his first offering, he tells to us how he arrived at making a Blood Ravens army. He also describes how he achieves the desired look for this armies paint scheme.
The first dreadnought was the warship HMS Dreadnought and she put to sea in the early 1900’s. Nowadays, we use them to entomb a not-quite-dead-yet Space Marine for continued service to his chapter and the emperor/chaos gods.
Welcome, James! In his first offering, he tells to us how he arrived at making a Blood Ravens army. He also describes how he achieves the desired look for this armies paint scheme.
MF6s is short for Motherf’n 6s. But, what’s the deal? Where did that name come from? You can find the sordid details within…
BIG. STOMPY. ROBOT. What’s not to like about them? Especially one with huge crushy fists. And did I mention in-built heavy flamethrowers?
You had me at big stompy robot. But ok. Let’s take a look at the Alpha Legion Contemptor I painted to support the Hydra’s schemes.
Phase One had gone just f#@kin ducky, and I was ready to take a break and paint some Iron Hands (for which I have a greater plan along with the Salamanders ally I have started, but more on that later. Likely, much later). Then the big two day narrative event got in the way.
Awww, yes. Update one is now upon us. This has been a fantastic little journey so far. Much progress, such wow. Let’s take a look and see how the Alpha Legion is shaping up.
A couple weeks into January and I am making progress! Also, Let’s destroy my closet to see what’s hiding inside!
I painted a lot of models in 2022. I also bought a lot of models. My collection grows, so does my shame and lets take a look at how it all shook out this year.
Who should be painting? You should be painting. A new year brings new opportunities and new challenges. I’d like to take a minute to reflect on 2022 hobby progress and talk a little about what the future may hold. Let’s hop on the nostalgia train and take a ride.
In honor of the spooky season that is October, I wanted to take a minute to recognize and restate my oaths to the darkest of the Chaos gods: Nurgle. Regardless of whether you’re an adamant devotee or in eternal struggle against him, remember that we are all his children and he loves us all.
Today we take a look at an ol’ school resin Forgeworld Deathwing Venerable Dreadnought. Have a look and let us know what you think.