Game Night: Down By The Bay
It’s time to ask the age-old question: Is it still a trap if you knowingly spring it? Our fifth gaming session saw our plucky band of adventurers resume their quest…
Table Top Role Playing Games are games that you play with a small group of people. The premise is that everyone sits on the top of a table and assumes the persona of a historical or fictional figure. Conversations are carried out until someone falls off of the table, the pizza arrives, or the table collapses. In the case of the latter example: If no one is injured a new table is sourced and the game resumes. If no suitable table can be found, its ‘game over’
It’s time to ask the age-old question: Is it still a trap if you knowingly spring it? Our fifth gaming session saw our plucky band of adventurers resume their quest…
I painted some models, failed at most of the goals I set for myself, shrugged it off and made new goals for 2024. Here they are…
In today’s post, Clay gives us an update as to how his 2023 hobby aspirations are going.
Our second pathfinder evening started off with a casual trip seated in the back of a horse-drawn paddy wagon. In cuffs…
I found myself running my first RPG game night in (too many) years, using a system I had never used (but was close enough to one I had) and having not actually planned something to do. But, everyone had fun: let’s see how it came about.
So, I have a problem. Well, let’s be honest, I have a minor yet broad collection of them, but for the sake of brevity for this article I will attempt to avoid most of them. The problem I want to discuss today is the nagging, gnawing sensation that exists in the back of my head when I am not creating.
Though I have not played any in quite some time. Role playing games helped me during a particularly troubled time in my life. And like many other people, my role playing game journey started with Dungeons & Dragons.
Satan’s game.
So let us continue the series by reminiscing on the many nights of snacks and laughter I spent with tabletop Roleplaying Games. After I will talk of how these pen and paper rpg’s influenced my life.
I have always been hesitant to play Dungeons and Dragons. This is NOT because I was poisoned by the court of public opinion. I wasn’t worried that I would become some cliché caricature of a nerd complete with thick glasses and pocket protector.