Table Ready: Praetorian Breachers
In the second Table Ready highlighting the Shield-wielding squads of my Ultramarine Beachhead Strike force, we examine the elite Praetorian Breacher squad. Have a peek inside.
There is more than one of something here. Neat.
In the second Table Ready highlighting the Shield-wielding squads of my Ultramarine Beachhead Strike force, we examine the elite Praetorian Breacher squad. Have a peek inside.
In the first Table Ready highlighting the Shield-wielding squads of my Ultramarine Beachhead Strike force, we take a look at the humble Breacher Squad. Have a look inside.
On display in the Table Ready article, we have the new Indomitus Terminator models painted up for the Ultramarines. But, why blue? Why not another chapter? Take a look inside to find out why.
Retro Games Rediscovered is a series based on video games played in those younger days. Today we fire up the Xbox 360 and load up Army of Two – The 40th Day.
Need a light? Did you know my favorite song is Light My Fire by The Doors?* Uh…um…Smokin’…? I know that last one was really reaching. Sorry not sorry for the Dad level fire related jokes. They say comedy comes in threes. Ugh…just come in and take a look at the Alpha Legion Flamer Support Squad I painted.
Praetors come in all shapes and sizes in the 31st Millenium. But regardless of their stature or armament, they can sometimes mean the difference between an army taking the day or suffering ignoble defeat. Follow me to learn more about the power armor Praetor I painted up to support the Hydra’s schemes.
It’s time to ask the age-old question: Is it still a trap if you knowingly spring it? Our fifth gaming session saw our plucky band of adventurers resume their quest…
Hailing from the Knight World of Krastellan, the members of House Hawkshroud proudly march forth to aid those who have demonstrated loyalty and honor towards them in the past. Let me take a few minutes to explain why I think House Hawkshroud is such a fantastic Knight Household.
Retro Games Rediscovered is a series based on video games played in those younger days. Today we dust off the Raspberry Pi and discuss the 1991 game King of Dragons.
What initially started as an attempt to complete a Necromunda gang, quickly spiraled out of creative control. But before I get ahead of myself, lets take a look at the models in my gang.