Table Ready: Praetorian Breachers
In the second Table Ready highlighting the Shield-wielding squads of my Ultramarine Beachhead Strike force, we examine the elite Praetorian Breacher squad. Have a peek inside.
I learned my painting techniques from Mr Miyagi. Up and down. That’s it. Thanks to those lesson’s I won the All Valley painting tournament with a kick to the face of my opponent.
In the second Table Ready highlighting the Shield-wielding squads of my Ultramarine Beachhead Strike force, we examine the elite Praetorian Breacher squad. Have a peek inside.
In the first Table Ready highlighting the Shield-wielding squads of my Ultramarine Beachhead Strike force, we take a look at the humble Breacher Squad. Have a look inside.
On display in the Table Ready article, we have the new Indomitus Terminator models painted up for the Ultramarines. But, why blue? Why not another chapter? Take a look inside to find out why.
In my update for the First Quarter of the Year, I shared a few projects that I was planning to finish in the coming months. As I look back, I was a bit hopeful, maybe even naïve.
Contained within this article is a darkness and despair that I failed to avoid. I might have been better off with a mummy’s curse, but in the end, well, you’ll have to read for yourself…
Need a light? Did you know my favorite song is Light My Fire by The Doors?* Uh…um…Smokin’…? I know that last one was really reaching. Sorry not sorry for the Dad level fire related jokes. They say comedy comes in threes. Ugh…just come in and take a look at the Alpha Legion Flamer Support Squad I painted.
A plan was put in motion at the turn of the year to paint more miniatures and buy less. Did I succeed? What did I paint? Have a look and find out.
Praetors come in all shapes and sizes in the 31st Millenium. But regardless of their stature or armament, they can sometimes mean the difference between an army taking the day or suffering ignoble defeat. Follow me to learn more about the power armor Praetor I painted up to support the Hydra’s schemes.
When the cannibalistic madmen (and women, we’re not bigots here) invite you to a dinner feast, it is officially time to worry.
Hailing from the Knight World of Krastellan, the members of House Hawkshroud proudly march forth to aid those who have demonstrated loyalty and honor towards them in the past. Let me take a few minutes to explain why I think House Hawkshroud is such a fantastic Knight Household.