The Case of the Army That Was Started In 2023 and Is Still Not Finished in 2023: Baldur’s Gate 3, the Dungeon Master, and the Toddler
In today’s post, Clay gives us an update as to how his 2023 hobby aspirations are going.
It’s like 40K, but like, with less models and junk. Its also kind of like Necromunda, but like, with less gangs and junk.
In today’s post, Clay gives us an update as to how his 2023 hobby aspirations are going.
I painted a lot of models in 2022. I also bought a lot of models. My collection grows, so does my shame and lets take a look at how it all shook out this year.
Another year has gone by. Indeed, another year down the crapper. I have a hard time imagining that anyone can look back and feel particularly good about 2021. The pandemic seems to have gained momentum, current events were miserable, disturbing or both, and people are clearly tired of it all. What an utter dumpster fire.
It may have taken three months instead of the three weeks we planned, but my wife and I have finally finished painting the launch box for the new edition of Kill Team and we are ready to play games in the Octarius Sector.