Tyson – 2022 Hobby Results & Backlog Project Goals
I painted a lot of models in 2022. I also bought a lot of models. My collection grows, so does my shame and lets take a look at how it all shook out this year.
I painted a lot of models in 2022. I also bought a lot of models. My collection grows, so does my shame and lets take a look at how it all shook out this year.
All of the Primarchs are interesting in their own right. I have a few favorites, and today we will take a look at one such Son of the Emperor: Lorgar.
Today we take a look at the racing tank that I never knew I wanted: The Sicaran. We look at the standard battle tank as well as the Punisher Assault Tank. Enjoy!
Today we are taking a look at the Land Raider’s big brother; the Spartan Assault Tank.
Today we have the person that almost single-handedly started the Horus Heresy. None other than Erebus himself.
Today we take a look at the the adoptive father of Lorgar who eventually became a pseudo-space marine. Enjoy
Bring forth the Tainted Contemptor Dreadnought for the Word Bearers.
Today we bring you a Leviathan Dreadnought from the 17th Legion.