Can I make “Realistic” Hobby Goals for 2024?
I painted some models, failed at most of the goals I set for myself, shrugged it off and made new goals for 2024. Here they are…
I painted some models, failed at most of the goals I set for myself, shrugged it off and made new goals for 2024. Here they are…
After years of procrastinating, those troublesome Khorne worshipping models got a little painting love and we’re here to show you that today.
BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE! *cough* wow, sorry, don’t know what came over me, anyway, today is dedicated the the Lord of Skulls
Today, we take a look at a custom Khorne Daemon Prince.
Today we take a look at the aptly named Lady of Strife, by Creature Caster. A great looking piece that could serve as a “counts as” Daemon Prince(princess).
Today we take a look at the Skullmaster, a Bloodletter character that rides on the back of a Juggernaut, and his accompanying Bloodcrushers.
Today we take a look at a perfect ‘counts as’ option for a Bloodthirster of Khorne. The Creature caster Lady of Chaos.
Today we take a look at Karanak, the hellhound-like character from the Khorne Daemon line, and a unit of Flesh Hounds to accompany him. Enjoy