Table Ready: Khorne Daemon Prince

[This post was originally posted to Otherverse Games & Hobbies as part of a series called Plastic to Painted, or P2P. You may see logos or references to this site and series]

I Like Most Games Workshop Models 

Even basic dudes for an army can be pretty amazing.  But every once in a while you want something a little different.  Whether that’s through some type of conversion work, kit bashing something entirely new, or designing something to be 3D printed, sometimes we hobbyists have a particular want or need that can’t be sated through an off the shelf purchase.  Case in point with this conundrum: I needed a Daemon Prince to add to my Khorne force, but the off shelf model was definitely lacking for me.  I wanted something different, but I had a few parameters to meet:

  1. I wanted a Daemon Prince with wings.
  2. My hobby skills are pretty limited to kit bashing, so any conversions had to be simple yet effective.
  3. I didn’t want to spend a lot of money.
  4. I wanted it done in fairly short order.
  5. Most importantly, I wanted to love the model.  Not just building, it but painting it as well.

With those options in mind, I set about scouring the internet for ideas and inspiration.  Fortunately it didn’t take long for me to settle on the main body: the Ogroid Myrmidon from Warcry.  I picked one up at one of my FLGSs a few days later and was almost ready to rock and roll.  Using that model as a baseline, I still needed wings for it, however.  That’s when I noticed a potential lifesaver: wings from the Age of Sigmar Vampire Counts Vargheist model.  A quick trip to eBay and a few days after that landed me a set of three wings.  I was now ready to start building.

Building the model was an absolute snap.  I decided to leave the face, spear, and shield separate from the main body, but attach the wings.  With a little trimming, greenstuff, and time, I was able to fit the wings to his shoulders and fill any spaces left in the process with putty.  For painting I used all GW paints and started by priming him in Grey Seer.  From there I used Khorne Red for the skin base, followed by a Carroburg Crimson wash, and then a heavy drybrush of Evil Suns Scarlet.  For the beard and mane I used Kantor Blue, followed by a Drakenhof Nightshade wash, then highlighted with Lothern Blue. The metals on the spear and counterweight were done in Leadbelcher, followed by a Nuln Oil wash, and lightly drybrushed with Stormhost Silver. 

For the other metallic parts (shield, horns, and buckles), I went with bronze technique using Warplock Bronze, drybrush Screaming Bell, Nuln Oil wash, and final drybrush of Leadbelcher.  Any leather items were based in Rhinox Hide, followed by a wash of Agrax Earthshade, and then highlighted with Gothor Brown.  Finally, teeth, horns, and parchments were made easy by applying a base of Rakarth Flesh, a wash of Seraphim Sepia, highlighted with Ushabti Bone, and then washed again with Seraphim Sepia.  For the base I kept it in line with my normal tundra scheme that I had started with the rest of the army and my Primaris Marine contingent that supports the army. 

All in all, the model was a joy to build and paint, and I’m looking forward to him reaping skulls for Khorne alongside my Bloodthirster.

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A New England transplant that originated from parts westward, Ryan is a bit of a nerd that knows a little bit about a lot of things, all while claiming to know nothing about anything.  Seemingly part Khajit a logistician by trade, he’s the kind of guy that can get you virtually anything if there’s coin to be had a problem to solve.  Ryan began to learn the scrounging arts while serving time in parts east as a Loggie and has been perfecting them steadily over several decades.  He has a problem with continually purchasing models, paints, and terrain that he doesn’t really need but his wife doesn’t seem to mind.

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