Ryan Bio

So, you decided to click on the link for additional information?  Then come and rest awhile at the bonfire.  The road back to Firelink Shrine is long and perilous.  Hopefully your quest for knowledge will be fulfilled.  Knowledge about Ryan typically comes at a cost, and he rarely shares it freely, but if you offer him a scotch, he tends to be more forthcoming.  After a couple he might even ask if you want to play Xbox with him and he may friend you.  Who knows?  Stranger things have happened, and the universe is full of mysteries.

Video games have been a part of his life since an early age.  Being gifted an Atari 2600 and a bunch of games one year for Christmas, he was firmly planted on the road to electronic bliss.  Action/adventure games and RPGs are typically the order of the day, but Ryan’s been known to dabble in other genres as well.  Some of his favorites include:

  • Division and Division 2
  • Fallout Series
  • Ark
  • BattleTech (PC)
  • Dragon Warrior
  • Batman Arkham Series
  • The Ascent
  • Blood Bowl
  • Zelda 3: A Link to the Past
  • The Avengers (Arcade)

Along with video games, board and miniature games and RPGs have always been a staple.  Ryan focuses mostly on narrative gaming and the artistic side of the hobby and is always down to put together a good story with fellow gamers.  Some of these games include:

  • Warhammer 40K
  • Blood Bowl
  • Warhammer Kill Team
  • BattleTech
  • Heavy Gear
  • Horus Heresy
  • Flames of War
  • Team Yankee
  • Necromunda
  • Heroquest

Books have always been tops on his list, although there was that period through middle and high school where you couldn’t pay him enough to read anything at all.  Ryan eventually came back around to the power of word and realized how great an escape it can offer.  Some favorite books include…

  • 1984
  • The Horus Heresy Series
  • Starship Troopers
  • Aliens Series
  • Fahrenheit 451
  • I, Robot
  • Where the Red Fern Grows
  • BattleTech Series (Robert Stackpole)

You still have more questions?  Sorry, but your bottle seems to have run dry.  Ryan is sleepy now.  He says a good round of nap roulette is in order.  I tend to agree.