Marvel Crisis Protocol Core Set – Dual Project Complete

For this Project Complete entry we’re going to do things a little differently. This entry will actually be a color coded joint effort, with commentary by MF6’s Writers Tyson(Red text) and Robert(Purple text). In their long history of hobbying together, this would be the first project that they would undertake at about the same time. So what better way to discuss it, than with a joint Project Complete entry.


Prepping the Table for Game Night

Robert: So we’re finally doing this, huh? We only planned this in 2021. Where to begin…

In November of 2021, I was visiting Tyson for about a week. It would be my first trip up since before COVID-19 was a thing. We had days of games, music, and whatnot planned. On the first night we took a trip to one of his FLGS’s and I had an impulse buy. Which happens to me a lot. This time it was Marvel: Crisis Protocol. I had had my eye on this game for quite a while, because I had been trying to step away from Games Workshop. This hobby-vacation was the perfect time to pick it up.

I have been a Marvel fan since I was rather young. I read a bunch of comics in those years. Particularly Captain America’s stuff. Fast forward to 2021, the MCU has been churning out great movies left and right. Disney is killing it with the new series, in my opinion. There has been a renaissance of sorts in comics, with many getting redone, really well. And now a hobby-centric table top mini game (that is not HeroClix) is available. Seriously, the past 10-15 years, or so, have been great as a Marvel fan. 

Tyson: Why do I taste red? Hmmm… Enough of that…

To me, Marvel was X-men, and only X-men, when I was an adolescent. There were only a few X-men Crisis Protocol models out at that time (they released a few as I was buying the Core Set and several since, so they kinda do now). But, I have enjoyed the shit out of the MCU movies so I figured I could enjoy putting some Avengers together. 

It’s funny how I also was looking for something else to dive into. I wasn’t at a point where I was frustrated with Game Workshop, yet, but I was in a bit of a rut having spent 98% of the previous year working on Warhammer 40k or adjacent models. I had purchased, Another Glorious Day in the Corps boxed game to build and paint, and just working on the Xenomorphs had me excited to try my hand at something different. Having watched a few bat-reps, I had it in my head that I was going to dive into Bolt Action, and likely follow it with Konflikt ’47. Then Robert bought the Crisis Protocol box while he was visiting. Plans took a left turn without even signaling first.

I soon found myself with a copy of the Crisis Protocol Core box.

Yeah, in the late 80’s through the mid 90’s, Marvel’s image was absolutely X-Men(or Howard The Duck). X-Men actually really were the face of Marvel to me. It was cemented by the outstanding X-Men cartoon of the early 1990’s. I still randomly get that theme stuck in my head to this day. Seriously.

During my youth, I certainly read some X-Men comics. I, like many people, was drawn to Wolverine, as his character’s story was the most interesting. Which was why, of all the expansions available, I bought the Wolverine/Sabertooth expansion along with the Crisis Protocol core set on day one. I felt almost obligated to do so.

The Marvel Crisis Protocol Core Box Set

The core box set comes with everything you need to play and enjoy the game from day one. A sign of a great box set. After you put some minis together, you are ready to go. Included in the core set are:

  • 10 character miniatures and city bases
  • 1 Daily Bugle News Stand scenery miniature
  • 2 car scenery miniatures
  • 2 dumpster scenery miniatures
  • 2 traffic lights scenery miniatures
  • 2 lampposts scenery miniatures
  • 1 garbage can scenery miniature
  • 1 set of tokens
  • 20 team tactics cards
  • 3 map cards
  • 2 affiliation cards
  • 10 character stat cards
  • 6 objective cards
  • 3 movement tools
  • 4 range tools
  • 1 rule booklet
  • 1 Set of dice

Robert: Missing, but not a deal breaker, is a game mat. An already outstanding box set, this just may be a perfect box set if it had a fold up 3’x3’ mat that came along with it. Many other stand-alone systems come with mats. But again, not a deal breaker. The game is more than playable on almost any table.

Tyson: This is also just enough scenery to be able to get a feel for what the game can support. The more stuff you have about to play on or around the better, and as soon as you have a few games under your belt, you’re going to want more. The bespoke range rulers and movement tools make the game easier to be a self-contained package, and it makes the lack of a folded piece of paper to play on a little more strange.

For the character models, included in the core set are: 5 heroes and 5 villains. 


  • Captain America
  • Iron Man
  • Spider-man
  • Black Widow
  • Captain Marvel


  • Red Skull
  • Baron Zemo
  • Doc Oc
  • Crossbones
  • Ultron

For a core set, I found this lineup to be rather diverse. I did find it interesting that they chose not to include any mutants. If I had to choose one character that seems out of place though, it would be Captain Marvel. It almost feels like she was chosen at random. Or maybe it was because the MCU movie and this game came out in 2019. Who knows? Captain America has ties to Red Skull, Zemo, Crossbones, etc. Doc Oc with Spidey. Widow with Cap and Iron Man. Ultron with many of them. But Captain Marvel feels out of place to me. Though, admittedly, I am not very familiar with Carol Danvers, and have never read those comics. And I am sure she has had interactions with many of these characters.

It’s definitely a strange collection of characters, but they are all recognizable from recent MCU films or classic Spiderman films. Having only passing familiarity with any character that did not grace the pages of X-men comics while I was a pre-teen, I rely on the films for my Marvel information. This seemed appropriate to me; in the age of the geek, Marvel is no longer pop-culture, it is just culture now.

What I like is how balanced the “teams” are with those ten characters broken up as the starter rules suggest. The two leaders have opposite skills to supply the team with, both revolving around power. It’s unclear whether they balanced the characters after deciding who would populate the box, or they picked the roster of the core set based on a good balance, but it works great.

The Build

Robert: Since my trip up to see Tyson was a longer one(following a pandemic’s worth of inability to travel), we decided to try to build my core set. That way if an opportunity presented itself, we could give the game a shot.

Admittedly though, I bought the set only for the prospects of hobbying the miniatures. I didn’t know anything whatsoever about the game-play. I was literally just looking forward to hobbying some minis that I have an interest in. 

I found the core miniatures to be mildly challenging to build. But that was in large part due to the fact that Tyson’s glue sucked. His modeling cement crap wouldn’t adhere for me. Super glue worked much better. Some models were harder than others to build. It did appear that the core set and expansions used different types of plastic. 

Tyson: While some models went together easily, others seemed needlessly difficult. Why is Captain Marvel in so damn many pieces? 

It turns out that we didn’t have enough time to build the whole set. As our time was largely spent playing 40K. We managed to build the core characters and the one expansion I picked up. When it was time to head home, I packed everything up and took it all back south with me where I would finish the build. The remaining pieces were the terrain. Which were not difficult at all. 

I put the first mini together with super glue but went right back to Tamiya plastic cement after. The plastic the Marvel minis are cast in takes a little longer to activate. Knowing that I built sub assemblies and once they were set, I assembled the miniature from the small assemblies. Ta da.

Ahh, super glue. How simple you are to use. Open bottle(or tube). Apply. Adhere. Done in seconds. Small assemblies not required. Ta da.

Painting: Characters

Crisis Protocol gives you a larger scale mini, as compared to a regular Games Workshop Space Marine. This gives you a larger surface area to paint with larger details. 

Robert: I had a blast painting these miniatures. Most are quite detailed. Because each mini is a different character, each mini poses various challenges while painting them. As opposed to, say, painting 20 of the same exact damn space marine with slightly different poses. 

With the core set minis, I only ran into trouble once, really. And that was with Iron Man. I had plans on doing a metallic undercoat followed by contrast on top of that. That way I would be left with a metallic sheen on the reds. The problem was, the primer and silver base-coats went on too heavy. Or perhaps Iron Man’s details are not as pronounced as the other models. So by the time the contrast came, the details were already disappearing. In the end, I was left with a mini that would make even high school me feel uncomfortable. It looked bad. So I had to strip the paint and start over.

That mini became the subject of a different post actually. The second go proved to be better. But not great. Iron Man, it would seem, was my trouble model. I skipped the contrast paint this time all together. Though the Hulk Buster looks cool, I probably will not be picking up any other variants of Iron Man. 

Tyson: Excited to not only be painting non-space marines but non Warhammer models all together, I decided I was going to experiment. Might as well get the most out of this whole thing. I tried my hand at zenithal priming. The figures were primed in black, and then (fairly) carefully brightened up from the top with white in through my detail-airbrush. I would say I had decent success for my first real go at it. 

With Iron Man I tried a clear red airbrush paint. It came out fine, but I never quite got the color saturation I wanted. I touched him up with some acrylic paint while I was doing the gold areas and hit him with a gloss coat. The rest of them were done with mostly contrast paints. They were quick and fun to paint. With a serious variety that took me away from the batch painting I usually do.

My trouble model was Captain Marvel. The black undercoat was turning out to be not the greatest of ideas. It stayed too dark in too many areas. Her face, neck and adjacent hairline were a nightmare due to an extreme change between the lights and darks. It eventually worked out ok with some regular acrylics but she was in danger for an awkward couple moments. In the future, go with the grey undercoat. 

If I had to pick my favorite minis from the core set, it would have to be Captain America and Red Skull. But I am biased. I tried my best to paint those two up the best I could. Seeing as I probably have the longest relationship with those two characters. I had trouble with Cap’s shield, due to brush control issues. But in the end I am happy with how he came out. Red Skull probably came out the best. I used contrast on his head and it worked great. 

I agree with Robert on this one, although I also like the Captain Marvel sculpt; something about the pose says cosmic badass to me. The vibrancy of the contrast colors works well for Superheroes/villains, which is how I did everyone but Ultron and Iron Man. While Red Skull looks great with contrast, I had my airbrush out doing flood light effects for Grey Knight tanks and tossed a quick OSL effect on the Red Skull emanating from the Cosmic Cube. I was quite satisfied. 

Regardless of my earlier thoughts about her seeming a bit out of place in this box set, I totally agree about Captain Marvel’s sculpt. She has this cosmic “come at me bro!” thing going on. Some poses were kind of bland, but not deal breakers. Black Widow and Doc Oc missed the mark for me. And I am on the fence with Crossbones. Though that pose is true to character from the comics, I suppose.  I will say this, I think they more than made up for the few core model poses that I didn’t care for with the expansion versions of both Widow and Doc OcMuch more dynamic.

Painting: Terrain

The included terrain (well, terrain in general) plays an integral part of the game. It is not just for looks and resolving cover. You can actually throw a car, light posts and even buildings at your opponent. So painting these pieces up right looks that much better in game. You can paint the cars up as taxis or regular cars. The range rulers and movement tools included in the set have super hero designs, and can be painted up if you like. 

Robert: I opted to paint my cars both as taxis. Even though they aren’t very taxi-like, in terms of car style. I wanted to paint NYC taxi livery on the side. But I cannot freehand stuff. And painting yellow is a chore as it is. So I gave up on that thought. They work, as they are for me. The Daily Bugle stand was fun to paint up. And I probably put more work into it than I had planned to. The dumpsters and lights I just quickly painted, nothing too special there.

I completely lost the trash can, like, multiple times over the course of finishing this set. I would find it in strange places. I once found it in the couch. Which makes no sense at all. It is currently missing again. I am writing it off as lost to the void.

I wanted things to be as similar to what you would see in real life NYC.
I spent a lot more time on this than I had intended to

When I painted the 7 range rulers/movement tools, I was instantly unhappy with the results. I had just bought a set of inks and was eager to try them out. I loaded up the rulers with the ink and it just didn’t work for me. So I will be buying a replacement set to try again. As opposed to stripping the set I have now, I am just going to leave them as is, and use them as a second set for games. Maybe someday I will get around to painting them again.

Tyson: Historically, I have a hard time dedicating enough time to scenery. I gave everything a quick airbrush, and then conned my wife into painting the Bugle and street lights and signs, while I did the details on the cars. They came out fine, but could have used a little more effort. But, I had a deadline gaining on me.

The wife and I spent as little time on this stuff as possible

For me, when it comes to terrain, I tend to go a bit overboard. Though probably not intentionally. I start off with the idea that I’ll just do a brief job on them, and then before I know it, I am still working on them days later. Case in point was my Adepta Sororitas Battle Santcum. I found myself devoting many many hours to that, painting individual windows with multiple layers and whatnot. I did the same thing with the small box of ruined walls terrain GW sells.

You can’t argue how good well painted terrain looks in pictures with your minis though. Another root-cause to this mentality is, I am painting this terrain for the hobby of it all. So, it is just another mini for me. I don’t necessarily see it as only a tool for table top game-play.

Completed Core Characters

Robert: I had another quick trip up to see Tyson planned for the late winter/early spring time-frame. The plan was to play some familiarization games of Crisis Protocol. Prior to making that trip, I wanted everything to be finished. Including all of my expansions. So I powered through them all in the winter months. I’m really proud of my completed core set. For the most part, I kept the colors true to form as seen in the comics. 

If you look closely, you’ll catch a glimpse of the illusive trash can. Which has since grown feet and wandered again.

Tyson: Still knee deep in 40k and the Aliens board game, I kept pushing Crisis Protocol back. I have time. Right? [insert angry buzzer sound here]. Wait though. It’s okay. Robert is visiting in the second half of my hobby stay-cation. I decided I would get all of my minis painted, including the expansions I owned before he arrived. 

Instead, I painted an entire Grey Knights army for Warhammer 40k in the first four days of my hobby stay-cation while Kera was at work. When my wife went to bed, I stayed up and painted those Marvel minis. To be sure I had time to get them all done, I bought more minis. And more terrain. Wait…


As stupid as I may be, I still managed to paint all the minis before he arrived. Barely. I had a whole hour to clean up my hobby area before I had to meet Robert at the bus stop.

The same bus stop that I almost left my Battlefoam briefcase full of my mini’s at. On the morning of my trip back to New York, I had to arrive at the bus station early. So I was still a bit sleepy. When the bus arrived, I just casually got up, left my small suitcase with the driver, and got on the bus. Like, five minutes before departure I realized that my case was still inside the waiting room. Damn near fell out of the bus as I rushed to get it. Which would have sucked, considering I already suffered one grievous injury on the day I flew up for this trip. One that, even after a few days, still hurt like hell and was still bleeding regularly. Probably should have gone to get it checked out.


Robert: Our first games of Crisis Protocol were played in March of 2022 over the course of a few days. We played the starter mission from the rulebook a couple times, alternating which team we controlled. We also tried one or two other missions as well.  

The starter mission calls for the newsstand to be in the center. It just so happened that on Tyson’s mat, the center was in the middle of the road.

Marvel: Crisis Protocol is a skirmish level tabletop war game, pitting a handful of super-powered characters against one another. It is a Roster based game, meaning that each player brings 10 characters to the game, along with 10 team tactics cards and three of each mission type. Expansion characters come with new tactics and mission cards.

The “team” aspect of this game is interesting to me. You bring that pool of characters to the table. Each has a points value on their data card. The caveat when it comes to team building is that teams must have an affiliation. On the Atomic Mass website you will find an Affiliation List. In it you will find various teams, such as; X-Force, X-Men, Avengers, Cabal, etc. 

The star next to a name indicated a character in a leadership role

Your team must comprise more than 50% of characters from the same team. For example: If you are making an Avengers team of 4 characters, you must have 3 characters from the Avengers list. If you are making a 6 character Cabal team, you must have 4 characters from the Cabal list. The remaining character slots may be filled in with characters from any list you chose. 

Characters with a star next to their name are leaders. And they have leadership skills/bonuses. If your team meets the qualifications for their Affiliation, then you can use these leadership characteristics. However, if a number of characters get knocked out of play, and you fall below your Affiliation threshold, then you can no longer use your Leadership characteristics. It is a different take on morale.

Affiliation effects are the leadership characteristics.

Tyson: This is one of the aspects I really like about the game, especially after coming from large army games; I can literally buy ten characters and be done. Well, maybe someone can. I certainly can’t. Anyway, it allows you to learn 10 characters, figure out their ins and outs, and then slowly swap models in and out of the roster to learn more. 

There are currently two types of mission cards in the game. Capture missions and Hold missions. Capture missions sometimes involve discovering the target first, but always requires a character to get an item and bring it with them. If they are knocked out or defeated, the item is dropped for other characters to acquire. Holding involves getting to and defending a point on the board. Each mission card also has a max power rating. 

Hold missions can get hairy for various reasons. You really need to pick who you have securing that point carefully. If you use a weaker character, you may lose the hold point quickly. If you use a powerful character, you may be tying up that character far from the action. Thus making them an overpriced paperweight. 

Missions are built at random, with the player who wins a roll off selecting one of the two types of mission cards they brought and taking a card at random. This is followed by the opponent taking a random card from the other mission type. Both are combined to determine the mission objectives. 

This is followed by the winner of the roll off determining the threat level of the game, choosing the threat rating that is listed on either of the two mission cards in play. Each player can choose any models from their roster so long as the total power rating of the chosen characters does not exceed the max Threat level.

That threat value is the maximum points value for your team. So depending on your “teams” characters points values, you could only be bringing 3 or 4 strong characters to the battle. While your opponent may have 5 or 6 weaker characters. It is an interesting power balance, and you do need to pick your team carefully.

Each character has a card that lists their statistics, attacks and abilities on it. Everything is self-contained, with only a few generic rules on the cards referring to a rule in the Learn to Play book, or the updated free to download rulebook. 

The game-play is played by alternating activation’s. As opposed to Warhammer 40K where a whole army takes their turn, then the opponent makes theirs. In Crisis Protocol, this gives each player the opportunity to be proactive or reactive. Depending on what your opponent does, it may change your plan. 

Each character has special abilities, or Super Powers, as well as regular powers/attacks. Some are more beneficial than others, as regular attacks usually gain power for your character. There is a power cost for each of these actions. Power is gained through various means. A free power is granted per round. Some super powers grant more power. Some characters get power when opponents make certain actions. You do need to be careful though. Run out of power, and all that is left is basic attacks and whatnot. 

Going into Marvel: Crisis Protocol, I was concerned about whether a small plastic figure on the table would encapsulate the raw power of a comic book character; In short, would they feel heroic. First off, you cannot alpha strike a character off the board. Almost every character has an unhurt and a hurt side of their card; if you manage to do the amount of damage needed to knock them out, you put a token on them and they cannot take any more damage that turn, although they drop any mission tokens they are carrying. At the beginning of the next turn, that wounded character flips their card over, sometimes with changed stats, and is ready to fight again. 

Many characters actually get stronger on their injured side. I really like that touch. 

Healthy side – this is how they both start a game out
Injured side – Iron man gets an extra ability and Winter Soldier gets more health

Second, the superpowers are varied, engaging, and have great effects. Punch someone straight off a building. Somersault over your target, cutting them up as you go. Picking up a car and hitting someone with it. Be it firing a crazy beam of energy out of your chest or zapping someone with a cosmic cube, there is no shortage of impressive super powers. Additionally, there are support powers, like increasing your attack dice, as not every ability revolves around punching and faces.

All rolls are made with D8 dice. The more dice rolled, the more powerful the attack is. Instead of numbers, the dice have symbols or blank facings. There is a critical hit and a hit that count as successes when attacking, as well as a wild, which is a success that may include special effects, like causing bleeding or shoving someone back. There is a shield, which counts as a success when defending, but a miss when attacking, and a critical miss that cannot be re-rolled. Lastly, there is an empty facing, and some characters have rules that allow this to be a success in rare occasions, such as Captain America defending with his shield. 

The six lined up dice show the different facings. Top(left to right): Wild, Defense, Hit. Bottom(left to right): Critical Miss, Critical Hit, Miss

The mechanic is simple, the attacker rolls dice and counts successes. The defender rolls their defense dice and subtracts their successes from the attacker’s pool of hits. Any remaining successes from the attacking model each cause one damage. 

Interpreting the dice was the most complicated part of the game system. It truly is straightforward and in no way difficult, but coming from game systems that rely on rolling a number or higher on a standard six-sided dice, well, it took a moment to adjust. 

I agree. I was constantly second guessing my rolls. It is definitely something that would become second nature after a few games. But learning and remembering the little icons on the dice, and remembering them was a roadblock for me.

Another thing that makes the game feel good is that there is a range for all melee attacks; a normal strike has at least a range two(or 3 inches). Some sword attacks have even farther range, representing the reach of the weapon. No tedious movements into contact, and measuring minute distances to determine who can fight. 

Terrain plays a very important part in the game. Each piece of terrain has a number on the bottom, indicating how big it is, in a roundabout manner. If it doesn’t have a number then it is size one. For example, a car or a dumpster are size two and the apartment buildings are size 5. Size is used in two specific ways. A model can move up onto or over a piece of terrain that has the same size as them, so a normal character is size 2 and can move over a parked car, and characters that can fly (or swing on webs) are considered size 5 when moving, meaning they can seamlessly move on top of or off of a building. 

The thing that threw me for a few moments is that the game is run as if you are playing a top-down video game; you only measure distances horizontally, not vertically, meaning you can fight someone in melee if they are on top of the Daily Bugle or on Deadpool’s Taco Truck. 

Yeah, I remember we had a few small arguments about that. But as silly as that seems, it is what it is. Maybe it is something that will be addressed down the road.

What’s even more interesting is using terrain in combat. Whether throwing characters into buildings or throwing cars at characters, the superheroes in the game have a fun time making a mess of the area they are fighting in, just like in the movies. Getting hit by a flying car goes a long way in making the game feel super-powered. 

This can make for very strategic battles. You may be hiding behind a car holding an objective, one minute. The next minute, that car is not there anymore. Now you are exposed. Or, someone just lifted that car in the air and smacked you in the face with it. Ouch. And to add insult to injury, now you are no longer holding that objective anymore. As you were just thrown across the city block by the impact. It’s super fun stuff. 

I still haven’t had a chance to pick up the Daily Bugle Newsstand with the Hulk and throw it at someone. Someday…

Players alternate actions back and forth, smashing each other in the face with super powers and throwing objects around the table. Victory points are allocated however the mission cards indicate and the first person to 16 victory points wins that game. 

Expansion Characters

The heart and soul of Crisis Protocol is your team building. And the interesting thing is that you are not limited to just using heroes or just villains. Even in the comics you would occasionally see those oddball team-ups with a villain and hero. This is no different. So, despite being bitter enemies, Cap and Red Skull could team up against, say, Doc Oc and Spider-Man. 

Robert: It feels wrong. Cap and Red Skull. Or Cap and Zemo. Like, so very wrong. 

No, I don’t think we will team up today.

The expansion sets help to build the games dynamic even more. Expansions sets generally come in packs of two characters. You may have two friends, or two foes. You may have lone-wolves. And some expansions may be single models, like Juggernaut. Because they are very powerful. 

This may or may not have been one Amazon order…

The expansions were a major draw for me. By the time I picked up my core box, there were already dozens of expansions out. With tons of great characters. As I stated above, on day one, I picked up the Wolverine and Sabertooth pack. That is probably one of the best expansions there is. Just because it’s Wolverine and Sabertooth, Bub! After getting home to New York, I ended up buying more character expansions. Including:

  • Quicksilver/Scarlet Witch
  • Taskmaster/Punisher
  • Winter Soldier/Vision
  • Thor/Valkyrie
  • Angela/Enchantress
  • Loki/Hela
  • Viper/Sin
  • M.O.D.O.K.
  • Venom
Why can’t we be friends. Why can’t we be friends. Why can’t we be friends.

I powered through them all like a man possessed. Most were easy to build. And they were mostly a lot of fun to paint. They all had their intricacies, in terms of painting. Though some were not as fun. I didn’t have as much of a good time with Quicksilver, Viper, and Sin. A lot of single colors and skin tones. Not my best combination. Sin kind of looks like a Joker-ish clown to me. But that kind of makes sense. She is Red Skull’s psychotic daughter after all.

My first team was the models from the Asgard affiliation, I really enjoyed hobbying all of these models. Each of them had their own challenges.

Tyson: I should have known the answer before asking and ended up buying the Guardians of the Galaxy for Kera. Seemed reasonable to pick up a cosmic threat to put up against the Guardians so I got Thanos and the Black Order miniatures and painted both teams up. 

Oh, and Kera obviously wanted Deadpool. 

Ghost Rider was one of my favorite characters back in the day, so I got him. I also loved the Blade character and he came with Moon Knight tagging along. The Disney+ show made me love the character so I am glad I have the multiple-personality blessed superhero. Turns out all of them are in the Midnight Suns, so I will continue collecting that team as well. 

Lastly, many of the Avengers were included in the Core box set, and I painted up the Hulk to go with them. I will continue to buy characters to match the movies. I have all the characters from the first Avengers movie and I will get the Age of Ultron characters to battle, well, Ultron. 

I just realized that none of my Black Order models are here, and… I don’t know where they are…

Expansion Terrain 

Expansion terrain is also a thing. Seeing that terrain is very important to the game, getting some new stuff periodically can spice up your games. You can buy apartment buildings, construction buildings and equipment, the Sanctum Sanctorum, more cars/ trucks and coffee shops. There is even a big Quin-jet now. In terms of play mats, Crisis Protocol is kind of lacking in that department, at the moment. But there are a ton of aftermarket mats out there. 

Tyson: I had expectations of not just learning the game, but getting the most out of it as we could during Robert’s limited visit, so I bought two of the apartment buildings. I modeled one with Nelson and Murdock on the bottom floor, Josie’s on the other. If you leave the tops unglued, you can store a lot of terrain bits inside them. 

The apartments are massive, and hollow. You could store a lot inside by taking off the roofs. You also have quite a few options when it comes to modeling them.

I got a fairly cheap printed vinyl map to start. It’s sufficient, if not the most wonderful game mat I have ever seen. Further down the road I will want to pick up the Space Port map and at least two sets of the terrain. That, and I will need the Sanctum once I get Doctor Strange for my wife. 

Robert: Tyson’s apartments were great in our games, and they look great too. They proved to be very strategic. Particularly for the characters that could fly. The objective markers can get dropped on the roof of a building after all. So flyers have an edge there. You can get thrown off of a building too. Which is mildly annoying. In a hilarious way. Also, the apartments just look awesome on a table. They facilitated some great in game photos and group photos at the end of my trip.

Tyson’s core mini’s, expansion minis, and terrain with my expansion minis mixed in. I left my core minis at home since he would have them all.

Back home, for my setup, I went outside the box a bit. I 3D printed a bunch of newspaper boxes for scatter terrain. I also hit up my local hobby shop and got some small model railroad benches, as well as some model railroad trees for a park. I also picked up a ton of extra traffic signals and lamps off of eBay.

I will be painting the benches and newspaper boxes later.

For a scenic mat, I found a shop from Europe that had a really great looking designed city road-scape. It looks pretty great with all the lights and whatnot set up. Though, I still haven’t gotten all that scatter terrain finished up just yet. I also picked up the Fisk Construction site, garbage truck, and an apartment building. It’s all going to make a nice interactive environment.

About 4 inches of the mat is hanging off of the back of my small table. Once I get all of the expansion terrain done it will look pretty good. I also have an unbuilt apartment building.

Rules Updates

Atomic Mass makes updates regularly to their game systems, and they make them available free on their website. They also make the updated stat card updates available online. But if you want the hard copy ones, you can now buy them. As they have revamped the style of the cards. 

The Atomic Mass homepage. Click the image to be transported there.
They have multiple easily printed PDF’s worth of updates avaialable.

Robert: I respect this system of updating so much. I am very vocal about my disdain for Games Workshop’s business practices and money grabs. Where you could buy an expensive rulebook or codex on day one and it will be, at least, partially obsolete in a matter of 2 or 3 weeks. Due to a FAQ. I just find it annoying. You may or may not agree with that. And that’s cool. I have many more reasons. So, with this system, the way you can just print out your own newly revised copy of this rulebook or cards is great. You can even download missions, or organized play scenarios. 

Tyson: While giving away the updated rules for free is fantastic, I was particularly excited by the release of the 2022 card update pack. Yes, I can print the character cards out but, for less than half the price of a codex for some other game system, I was able to purchase all the updated cards. After that, the biggest problem is digging through your existing cards and replacing the defunct ones. 


Robert: I have really enjoyed all aspects of this game system. From building the models, to the time spent painting them, to the game itself. Though, I only have a few games under my belt. I personally do not have much of an opportunity to play any table top games on a regular basis. This is due to time constraints, and lack of opponents. And that is fine. I am in it for the hobby aspect of things. And these models are perfect for that. Plus I have a connection with many of these characters. There is also the fact that I am not painting 37 of the same exact Space Marine. Each character is unique. There may be more than one Spider-man, but they are all very different. And they have different rules and abilities. It’s really well done.

The expansions are fun. And not exactly expensive when compared to GW. Looking forward, there are a lot of characters I would like to see. For example, for my Team Asgard, I would like to see The Warriors Three(Fandral, Hogun, and Volstagg) and Lady Sif. There are also a bunch of franchises that they have yet to touch. Like the Fantastic 4. So I can totally see them coming around with Doctor Doom at some point. Also, though there are a bunch already, getting more X-Force characters would be cool as well. Psylocke, Bishop, etc.

I would also like to see them release small terrain packs. Like a small pack of 3 or 4 each of street lights and traffic lights. As far as game mats go. Currently, the only one I can find is the space themed mat. Which is strange considering all the models are modeled with city sidewalk bases. It would be interesting if Atomic Mass, some time in the future, released a new core set with only mutants. There are certainly enough of them to do it.

Tyson: I also feel that Marvel: Crisis Protocol is a worthwhile addition to my model addiction. The models are very decent, and allowed me to paint some more individual and unique models instead of painting dozens of very similar models. The game-play was vastly different from the games I have been playing for many years. 

This was all very refreshing. The project was a perfect palette cleanser to shake up my hobby and re-invigorated my excitement for working on models. This will likely be a banner year for painted models for me. The game itself is fun, fairly fast-paced and the opportunities presented by both the random mission generation and the ability to change up your roster means that it will be tough to get bored with the game. 

Although I don’t have as much attachment to the characters as Robert, I like many others have enjoyed the MCU movies of the past decade and it was fun to get some of them on the table for a little skirmish-game fisticuffs. For now, I will move on for a bit but, when all the X-men I want are out, I will certainly be back to build and paint them. Oh, and I want Apocalypse! Atomic Mass Games, make it happen. Oh, and a Sentinel!

Here you go! Found your Sentinel. I thoroughly recommend this game to anyone looking to branch out. Especially to Marvel fans. The games are entertaining and can be challenging, depending on your missions and team building. The hobby aspect of it is real fun. As all of these characters have a lot of, well… character.  And everything just looks cool on a table.

Marvel: Crisis Protocol is readily available now at most hobby related online outlets and FLGS. The official outlet for AtomicMass Games is Asmodee.

Thanks for reading!

[This post was originally published at Otherverse Games & Hobbies]


All of these are true except for one:

Robert is: a Hobbyist, a Music Lover, an RPG Gamer, a Mustard Lover, Chaotic Neutral, a Japanese Speaker, a Veteran, an Otaku, a Table Tennis Player, an Anime Fan, an Aviation Professional, a New York Rangers Fan, a Chaos Lover With Loyalist Tendencies.

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Obsessive and neurotic collector of little plastic men, novels about the same little plastic men and paints to make the little plastic men pretty. Married to Kera, who puts up with him and pretends that she doesn’t hear him speaking to the little plastic men in between making pew pew noises in the hobby room. Requires adult supervision. A menace to himself but rarely to others. More beard than man

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