Why The Game of 40K and I Just Don’t Mesh Anymore
You often hear people talk about how or why they get into something. But I don’t feel like I hear about how or why people get out of something. So that is why I decided to put this together.
You often hear people talk about how or why they get into something. But I don’t feel like I hear about how or why people get out of something. So that is why I decided to put this together.
Today we take a look at an Ork Warboss and his pet, Mr Squiggles
A couple weeks into January and I am making progress! Also, Let’s destroy my closet to see what’s hiding inside!
Today we take a look at the Bane of Armageddon and the Astra Militarum, Boss Snikrot and his Red Skull Kommandoz.
Today we take a look at the Rogue Trader Ork Attack Buggy. This goofy model existed long before the Speed WAAAGH was a thing. And it epitomizes how goofy the Orks looked in the 1990’s.
In Aeronautica Imperialis: Wings of Vengeance, you take to the skies above the war-torn worlds of the Warhammer 40k universe. Commanding squadrons from the Imperial Navy or Orks. I had been interested in this tactical game since I saw the previews. But how was it?
Another year has gone by. Indeed, another year down the crapper. I have a hard time imagining that anyone can look back and feel particularly good about 2021. The pandemic seems to have gained momentum, current events were miserable, disturbing or both, and people are clearly tired of it all. What an utter dumpster fire.
It’s November.
Wait, It’s November? That can’t be right. Right? It was just January… Or was it July…
Part 6 wraps up this series about my year at the hobby desk.
It may have taken three months instead of the three weeks we planned, but my wife and I have finally finished painting the launch box for the new edition of Kill Team and we are ready to play games in the Octarius Sector.
We are now into the end of April. And this year is turning out to be completely screwed up. The whole world is shut down or shutting down. Supply lines are strained. People are dying left and right. Surely this can’t continue, right?
Yeah… about that…