Clay – Backlog Project Results

[The Backlog Project was a January 2023 Otherverse Games and Hobbies community project. As such, you may happen across references to Otherverse and see its logos. The goal of the project was to dig into our respective piles of “shame”, select some yet-to-be started/unfinished projects, and see how much we could knock out in one months time.]

January 2023 Backlog Project Goal

My backlog goal for January 2023 was simple: finish the half-finished squad of 20 Necron warriors and Chronomancer that had sat, primed, on my hobby desk for almost 6 months. I already knew the paint scheme. I had all the paints, basing materials, and base magnets. All that was needed was time spent painting at the hobby desk.

If I had to use one word to describe this goal, what would I use? Achievable. That’s right, this goal is achievable. It isn’t lofty, aspirational, or challenging. I’m totally okay with that. 

Thanks to quite a few hobby nights towards the end of 2022, my goal was nearly completed at the beginning of January. It took a few nights to finish the basing, paint the rims black, glue the base magnets, and do a few finishing touches. By mid January, this squad was complete!

I have been instructed to relay to the reader how it feels to finally finish this backlog project. The relief is palpable. When I first got into 40k a couple years ago, I was able to churn out 40 warriors in a couple months. That got me a bit burnt out on warriors, and I really didn’t want to finish the last 20 I had. After quite a few games where all 40 of my warriors got blown off the table, I glued up and primed my last 20. Even primed, I could feel their eyes glaring at me on the hobby table, begging to be painted and join their brethren in the magnetic case. I started working on them in the fall, only to find that painting them began to feel like a chore. Even though Necron warriors are ideal for batch painting, 20 was always just enough that I couldn’t see the finish line. It took a few days of pushing myself, but I’m very glad that they are finished. I’m no longer planning on painting anything in batches of 20. 10, max.

Now I can field hordes of infantry units for my Necron army, all matching in their grimdark paint scheme.

What’s next for 2023?

My old sculpt Necron Monolith from 40k is beginning to take shape

Darth Vader and his Stormtroopers from the core set of Star Wars: Legion are primed and ready for paint.

These terrain and objective bits from the Priority Supplies expansion for Star Wars: Legion have been assembled and are eagerly awaiting their quick and dirty paint job, which will likely be done with spray paint and lots of dry brushing.


I live in rural New Hampshire with my wife, our son, two cats, two dogs, no more chickens because they all got eaten, too many fantasy books, some miniature models, and my wife says I have too many keyboards (only three). Small and steady hobby progress wins the race when you have a toddler.

Clay’s contributions