The Case of the Army That Was Started In 2023 and Is Still Not Finished in 2023: Baldur’s Gate 3, the Dungeon Master, and the Toddler
In today’s post, Clay gives us an update as to how his 2023 hobby aspirations are going.
In today’s post, Clay gives us an update as to how his 2023 hobby aspirations are going.
My backlog goal for January 2023 was simple: finish the half-finished squad of 20 Necron warriors and Chronomancer that had sat, primed, on my hobby desk for almost 6 months. I already knew the paint scheme. I had all the paints, basing materials, and base magnets. All that was needed was time spent painting at the hobby desk.
I painted a lot of models in 2022. I also bought a lot of models. My collection grows, so does my shame and lets take a look at how it all shook out this year.
As he (too) often does, Tyson bought some models. This time it was the Indomitus box, which came with some more boring marines as usual. I knew that those would be his since he likes that crap, maybe too much. The other half were some funky looking robot dudes, I told the husband maybe I should try my hand at them.
If you were to ask me about the tabletop game Warhammer 40k ten years ago, I wouldn’t have been able to tell you much about it. I’m not even sure I knew that tabletop games existed. That changed in college…