[The Backlog Project was a January 2023 Otherverse Games and Hobbies community project. As such, you may happen across references to Otherverse and see its logos. The goal of the project was to dig into our respective piles of “shame”, select some yet-to-be started/unfinished projects, and see how much we could knock out in one months time.]
First Round of January Progress
Between you and me, it’s actually Robert that’s been waiting for me to turn in my progress paperwork. But I’m sure you knew that already. If I were to honestly describe my first round of progress for this month, I’d say it was a mixed bag. As of now I have roughly 3.8 out of 8 Agents completed for the month. All things considered it isn’t bad but I feel like I could be a better point at this juncture. The positives I have going for me are the following:
- I need to complete the final highlights and paint the base ring on a fourth Agent to hit the completed halfway point.
- All of the selected remaining Agents are fully based and can start being painted.
- I have another six Agents almost fully based; I need to finish the drybrush on the bases and they can technically be added into the rotation.
- Have the lower half of a fifth Agent completed.

Back-Half of January
So I’ve definitely got a little work to do, but nothing that’s not insurmountable. Knowing me and what’s going on with life writ large, I’d venture to say that everything will fall into place in the next couple of weeks. Looking at the calendar the next few weeks look good to make a lot of progress. Plus, I know by the time this article is published I’ll have made some additional headway on several models. Sure, there’ll be ups and downs to the finish line, but trying to keep a positive perspective is what it’s all about.

A New England transplant that originated from parts westward, Ryan is a bit of a nerd that knows a little bit about a lot of things, all while claiming to know nothing about anything. Seemingly part Khajit a logistician by trade, he’s the kind of guy that can get you virtually anything if there’s coin to be had a problem to solve. Ryan began to learn the scrounging arts while serving time in parts east as a Loggie and has been perfecting them steadily over several decades. He has a problem with continually purchasing models, paints, and terrain that he doesn’t really need but his wife doesn’t seem to mind.