Caltrops: Lego Everyone is Awesome


Model Number: 40516

Piece Count: 346

This set was released on June 1, 2021. The colors not only include the traditional Pride flag colors as well as the pastel colors of the Transgender flag, and the colors black and brown to signify the diversity of races from around the world. Originally, the set was designed by Matthew Ashton, Vice President of Design at Lego. After it was created, the set became so popular that it was moved to mass production. This set is especially meaningful for me as my daughter is a member of the queer community.

[This post was originally published at Otherverse Games & Hobbies]

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C.W. “Sarge” Kennedy is a weird, portly war veteran living in southeastern Massachusetts. He has some kind of degree from an accredited university but you wouldn’t know it by looking at his gaping maw as he tries to operate simple technological devices. Room temperature IQ aside, Sarge is a cohost of The Citizen’s Guide to the Supernormal podcast, collaborator on the YouTube Channel Sarge the Destroyer, obnoxious Tweeter known as @bastardprophet, and part-time Instagram train-wreck. If you like short stories with questionable grammar, you can buy two of them at Amazon. He has no other valuable qualities according to people who know him.

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