[This post was originally posted to Otherverse Games & Hobbies as part of a series called Plastic to Painted, or P2P. You may see logos or references to this site and series]
“I’m Luke Skywalker. I’m here to rescue you.”
May the Force be with you. The Month of May is dedicated to Star Wars here at Otherverse, both the website and the Youtube Channel. For my first Plastic to Painted article for the Star Wars: Legion it seems only fitting to show off the plucky youth that got into all the trouble but learned something along the way, Luke Skywalker himself. Strangely there are three luke Skywalker Models for Star Wars: Legion. Presented here are the two easily available models:
The first Model on display here is young Luke Skywalker, fresh off the dusty planet of Tatooine from A New Hope and wielding Anakin Skywalker’s own lightsaber. Contrast paint made the process super fast and there aren’t a lot of details on these models to get caught up on.
I have also painted up Luke as a Jedi Knight and appearing as he did in Return of the Jedi. He’s ready to redeem his father at any cost. Once again, the contrast paint looks fantastic on this model, and he got a little object source lighting from his glowing green lightsaber. I like this model the best of the two versions presented here and he got a little more detail.
There is a limited edition Luke Skywalker garbed as he was after crash landing his snow speeder on Hoth in my collection, but I wanted to put significantly more time into him. He will get his own P2P article at a later time.
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Obsessive and neurotic collector of little plastic men, novels about the same little plastic men and paints to make the little plastic men pretty. Married to Kera, who puts up with him and pretends that she doesn’t hear him speaking to the little plastic men in between making pew pew noises in the hobby room. Requires adult supervision. A menace to himself but rarely to others. More beard than man