Hobby Update: Quarter One 2024
A plan was put in motion at the turn of the year to paint more miniatures and buy less. Did I succeed? What did I paint? Have a look and find out.
A plan was put in motion at the turn of the year to paint more miniatures and buy less. Did I succeed? What did I paint? Have a look and find out.
May the Emperor forgive my idolence and sloth! I didn’t manage to achieve my goal for the month of January. Like going to the gym for a New Years resolution, I started out strong at the beginning of the month, and by the end was beginning to regret that paid-in-advance 6 month gym membership.
But is this truly a failure?
Progress has been made! Shock! Quelle surprise! I did end up getting sidetracked by a nasty cold, but otherwise, I think things are largely on track.
Our third participant for the Backlog Project had a great 2022. But what are his plans for digging into his backlog?
Today we take a look at a workhorse in The Guards armored corps. The Trojan.
In today’s feature, we take a look at a couple of support tanks. Because even tanks in the 41st Millennium get stuck in the mud.