Plastic to Painted Feature: Super Mortian
In today’s Feature, Ian brings us an alternative kit to add to your Guard’s Super Heavy Detachment. The Super Mortian.
In today’s Feature, Ian brings us an alternative kit to add to your Guard’s Super Heavy Detachment. The Super Mortian.
May the Emperor forgive my idolence and sloth! I didn’t manage to achieve my goal for the month of January. Like going to the gym for a New Years resolution, I started out strong at the beginning of the month, and by the end was beginning to regret that paid-in-advance 6 month gym membership.
But is this truly a failure?
Progress has been made! Shock! Quelle surprise! I did end up getting sidetracked by a nasty cold, but otherwise, I think things are largely on track.
Our third participant for the Backlog Project had a great 2022. But what are his plans for digging into his backlog?
Today we take a look at a workhorse in The Guards armored corps. The Trojan.
In today’s feature, we take a look at a couple of support tanks. Because even tanks in the 41st Millennium get stuck in the mud.