Burnt the Fuck Out: Quarter Two 2024
In my update for the First Quarter of the Year, I shared a few projects that I was planning to finish in the coming months. As I look back, I was a bit hopeful, maybe even naïve.
In my update for the First Quarter of the Year, I shared a few projects that I was planning to finish in the coming months. As I look back, I was a bit hopeful, maybe even naïve.
A plan was put in motion at the turn of the year to paint more miniatures and buy less. Did I succeed? What did I paint? Have a look and find out.
Another year has gone by. Indeed, another year down the crapper. I have a hard time imagining that anyone can look back and feel particularly good about 2021. The pandemic seems to have gained momentum, current events were miserable, disturbing or both, and people are clearly tired of it all. What an utter dumpster fire.
It may have taken three months instead of the three weeks we planned, but my wife and I have finally finished painting the launch box for the new edition of Kill Team and we are ready to play games in the Octarius Sector.