The Case of the Army That Was Started In 2023 and Is Still Not Finished in 2023: Baldur’s Gate 3, the Dungeon Master, and the Toddler
In today’s post, Clay gives us an update as to how his 2023 hobby aspirations are going.
In today’s post, Clay gives us an update as to how his 2023 hobby aspirations are going.
Though I have not played any in quite some time. Role playing games helped me during a particularly troubled time in my life. And like many other people, my role playing game journey started with Dungeons & Dragons.
Satan’s game.
So let us continue the series by reminiscing on the many nights of snacks and laughter I spent with tabletop Roleplaying Games. After I will talk of how these pen and paper rpg’s influenced my life.
I have always been hesitant to play Dungeons and Dragons. This is NOT because I was poisoned by the court of public opinion. I wasn’t worried that I would become some cliché caricature of a nerd complete with thick glasses and pocket protector.