Caltrops – Lego Replay
Do you have a bunch of old and dusty Lego laying around? Maybe buried in the darkest depths of your closet like me? Why not donate them to kids in need?
Building blocks are fun, and building these kits are great ways to kill time. But there is always a few pieces that get away, right? Where are they? No one knows. Until one day, when you are least expecting it, walking around barefoot. It is then that you get a shooting pain sent up your leg from your foot.
Found it!
Do you have a bunch of old and dusty Lego laying around? Maybe buried in the darkest depths of your closet like me? Why not donate them to kids in need?
Today we take a look at the 5,200 piece Nanoblock Himeji Castle.
Join us on this Christmas Eve, as we take a look at a few Lego Xmas sets we have collected over the years while we wait for the fat man himself to bring us more toys!
Its Nintendo’s 133rd anniversary today and to celebrate, today we bring you, well, a Lego Nintendo. Enjoy.
Today we take a look at the Lego Bonsai. Robert also discusses his history of murdering baby trees.
I am Groot (today), I am Groot(we take a look at) I am(the) Groot(Lego) I am Groot(I am Groot)!
Today we take a look at the legendary Fender Stratocaster. Made by Lego.
In today’s Brick By Brick, we take a look at the Lego Infinity Gauntlet. The tool used by the Mad Titan to wield the Infinity Stones as a weapon of galactic destruction.
Today, in honor of Thor: Love and Thunder, we take a look at Mjolnir. The Hammer of Thor.
Or rather, The Hammer of The Mighty Thor.
Today we bring you a Lego rendition of the Tumbler Batmobile from the Dark Knight trilogy. Have a look and enjoy.